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SIECA Season 2 Launches in Dalian University of Technology

March 17, 2016  Click:[]

School of International Education Cricket Association (SIECA) season 2 will commence on Saturday, March 12 at Dalian University of Technology West Campus.

The new season is scheduled to start at the time of new semester and will add to the hustle and bustle that is already visible because of the new foreign students joining Dalian University of Technology. The association management, Miss FanYu (the Patron in Chief), Mr Tong Guishan (Head Coach) and Mr Zeeshan Gohar (Association Head) has brought new management and new team structure to bring versatility in the game. This season there will be more games, off campus tours, bigger events and more fun.


The season launching game will be played between campus teams. SIECA is keen to promote the game across the city that’s why it will welcome off campus players to join in the club and show their cricketing talent. For this purpose, social media promotions are already underway.

Another goal of SIECA is to introduce the game among Chinese students in DUT campus and for that purpose, special training sessions will be organized by the management to introduce the game and train the local Chinese students. That way, it can be a part of campus sports gala.

Linggong Road No.2, Ganjingzi District Dalian, 116024,P.R.China
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