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Registration of 2022 Autumn Semester for International Students

2022-08-31  点击:[]


The fall semester of 2022 is about to begin. In accordance with theuniversity's orientation arrangements and the actual situation, we would like to inform you of the following matters related to the commencement of thisschool year.

注册报到|Registration and Check-in


Form of registration: All international students will not come tothe campusfor the time being, the specific time of offline registration will be announcedlater. Thus,the form of registrationfor the coming semester isadjusted to online registration.


Registrationtime: From August 30 to September 3,allinternational students (including new students andcontinuingstudents)shouldregister online. Students who cannot register on time due to special circumstances should report to theSchoolof International Education (International Students Office) and their departments (major schools) in time and go through the relevant procedures according to the regulations; those who have not gone through the registration procedures for more than two weeks without any reason or whose leave of absence has not been approved or overdue will bereconsidered by theuniversityonwhether to retain their academic status.

3、注册具体方式|Register in the following specific ways::


New students: After receiving the notification of registrationfromthe school, new students must submit their registration documents on timeto dutsice@dlut.edu.cn in zip form. Please name the email subject after "passport last name+passport name+DUT application number" (example: ABDUR + MUHAMMAD + 20200200198).

(2)老生:登录链接完成线上注册,注册链接:https: //www.wjx.cn/vm/mbkLWUt.aspx

Continuingstudents:complete online registrationvia the linkat: https://www.wjx.cn/vm/mbkLWUt.aspx

二、新生报到材料|New student check-in materials

1、线上国际学历生须准备材料|Fordegreeinternational students,the following documentsare required:


Please send your passport photo page,scanned copy of admissionletter, scanned copy of official degree and diploma with full transcripts (highest academic qualificationsandcopy of allnotarizeddocuments), ID photo (two-inch photo with white background, between 100-500KB, in JPG format), recent Physical Examination Form and blood test reports (which covers HIV, VDRL/syphilis, HbsAg, HCV result) and the Certificate of No-Criminal Conviction to dutsice@dlut.edu.cn in zip form.

2、线上国际非学历生须准备材料|For non-degreeinternational students,the following documentsare required


Please send your passport photo page, ID photo (two-inch photo with white background, between 100-500KB, in JPG format) and the Certificate of No-Criminal Conviction to dutsice@dlut.edu.cn.

3、线下国际学历生须准备材料(*报到时间另行通知)|Offlineregistration for degreeinternational students (*time to beset);the following documentsare required


Original passport, originaladmissionletter,official degree and diploma with full transcripts (highest academic qualificationsandalloriginalnotarizeddocuments),IDphoto,recent Physical Examination Form and blood test reports (which covers HIV, VDRL/syphilis, HbsAg, HCV result) and the Certificate of No-Criminal Conviction.

4、线下国际非学历生须准备材料(*报到时间另行通知)|Offlineregistration fornon-degreeinternational students (*time to beset);the following documentsare required


Original passport and originaladmissionletter.

三、缴费方式及注意事项|About payment


Information about the fees:http://sie.dlut.edu.cn/fybz.htm


Ways to pay: http://sie.dlut.edu.cn/info/10050/91252.htm


Payment time: complete online payment by 4 September by means of domestic or overseastransfer.



Non-degreestudents: 7 September - 8 September, placement test (online written test and interview); 9 September, announcement of placement results; 13 September, official start of classes.


Degree internationalstudents:please refer to the Orientation Timetable for International Students of Class 2022 in the attachment; online classes will start from 5 September.

五、其他相关要求|Other relevant requirements


All international students must strictly observe the relevant Chinese regulations and requirements on epidemic prevention,protectingyourselvesagainst any infection.


International studentswho are currently in China mustcarefully and strictlycooperate with thedaily healthmonitor,take nucleic acid tests according to the requirements of theresidential areasand activelysupport theepidemic prevention and controlmeasures.

六、联系方式|Contact information

招生办公室|Admission office



学生事务办公室|Student affair office






                     签证业务|Visa administrator:xingweijia@dlut.edu.cn

教务与培养办公室|Academic and teaching affair office





 综合办公室|General affair office





上一条:关于共青团大连理工大学第二十一次代表大会代表候选人预备人选的公示 下一条:2022年关于国际研究生结业申请结果的公示




