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Application Procedures for 2023 Online Training Program for Local Teachers of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship of Dalian University of Technology

2023-02-25  点击:[]

According to the "Application Guide for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship (2023)" issued by the Center for Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC), Dalian University of Technology (DUT) plans to launch the Online Training Program for Local Teachers in 2023. The program adopts the online teaching method and aims to provide overseas Chinese learners with opportunities to continue learning. After the assessment by the Center, the students who pass the application will be eligible for the International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship for the Online Training Program for Local Teachers of DUT, and the cost of participating in the course will be supported by the Center. Eligible international students are welcome to apply for registration. The application conditions and material requirements are as follows:


All applicants shall be

a) Non-Chinese citizens

b) In good physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally

c) Aspired to take future careers on the teaching or international promotion of Chinese language

d) Between the ages of 16-35 on September 1st, 2023. The maximum age limit for in-service Chinese teachers may be extended to 45.


1. Start Time: The start time of the program is 2023 June, and the program period is 8 weeks.

2. Number Limit: 50 students, regardless of nationality. The number of the Online Training Program for Local Teachers is limited, with “first come first served” principle;

3. Application Requirement: Applicants shall hold the Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK) report (no specific requirements for levels and scores);

4. Program Course: The program includes language courses and cultural courses, combining live and recorded forms. The students have one-to-one Chinese teaching assistant, and students will receive a certificate of completion and a credit certificate. Students with outstanding performance will receive a certificate of recommendation written by the dean of the School of International Education and recommendation letters from relevant teachers, and priority will be given to students who are applying for our school's scholarship programs for degree students.


1. Digital photo;

2. A scanned copy of passport photo page;

3. Notarized highest education diploma or official proof of student status and transcript;

4. A scanned copy of HSK test score reports (within the two-year validity). In-service Chinese language teachers may be exempted from HSK certificate if they provide proof of employment and a letter of recommendation from the employer.


1. Please fill in the “APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM” in the attachment and send it to ronghual@dlut.edu.cn with your application materials. If the application materials are up to standard, DUT will guide the applicants to formally register in the Dalian University of Technology International Student Online Application Website (http://iso.dlut.edu.cn). Please register for an individual application account, fill in the form and submit the application materials online.

2. Our university is responsible for reviewing the admission qualifications of applicants and recommending scholarship candidates to the center based on merit. The center is responsible for organizing reviews, awarding, and giving the admission results. Our university will issue admission notices to scholarship recipients. For any questions regarding the application process, please contact us (ronghual@dlut.edu.cn).

School of International Education of Dalian University of Technology


 【2023 Online Training Program for Local Teachers】申请信息填写表 APPLICATION INFOMRATION FORM.xlsx


Division of Test and Scholarships

Email: scholarships@chinese.cn

Tel: +86-10-58595727

+86-10-58595932 (Asia, Africa)

+86-10-58595999 (US, Canada)

+86-10-58595744 (South America, Oceania)

+86-10-58595875 (Europe)

DUT Contact Information:

School of International Education, Dalian University of Technology

Address: School of International Education

Dalian University of Technology

Linggong Road No.2, Gaoxinyuan District

Dalian 116024, P.R. China

Tel: +86-411-84706048/84706370

Fax: +86-411-84770361

Email: ronghual@dlut.edu.cn

International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship website: http://cis.chinese.cn

Chinese test website: http://www.chinesetest.cn

l Appendix

1 Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

2 List of Application Materials

Dalian University of Technology

Appendix 1

Coverage and Criteria for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship

The scholarship supports tuition, accommodation, living allowance (excluding four-week study program students) and comprehensive medical insurance.

a) The Host Institutions use the tuition fees for the education and management of scholarship recipients, cultural programming and HSK tests. The scholarships for online programs provide support for tuition fees only.

b) The Host Institutions use the accommodation fees to provide scholarship recipients with free on-campus accommodation (typically double rooms). Scholarship recipients may live off-campus upon application and approval from the Host Institutions. Under such circumstances, doctoral students are entitled to an accommodation allowance of RMB 1000 per person/month, and other students are entitled to RMB 700 per person/month paid on a monthly/quarterly basis by the Host Institutions.

c) The living allowance is paid to the scholarship recipients by the Host Institutions on a monthly basis. The monthly allowance for undergraduates, one-year study program students and one-semester study program students is RMB 2,500 per person; that for master’s students in International Chinese Language Education is RMB 3,000 per person; and that for doctoral students in International Chinese Language Education is RMB 3,500 per person.

Scholarship recipients must register with the university within the period stipulated in the Letter of Admission. Otherwise, the scholarship will be revoked. Students registered before the 15th (inclusive) of the month are entitled to the full allowance of that month, while those who are registered after the 15th are entitled to half of the amount.  If a scholarship recipient leaves China for more than 15 days for personal reasons during the study period (excluding summer and winter vacations), the living allowance during the period of absence from China will be suspended. If a scholarship recipient is suspended or withdrawn from school for personal reasons or is subject to disciplinary action by the Host Institution, the living allowance from the date of suspension, withdrawal, or notification of disciplinary action will be suspended.

The living allowance for graduating students is paid until half a month after the graduation date set by the Host Institution.

d) The comprehensive medical insurance is purchased by the Host Institutions in accordance with applicable regulations on overseas students stipulated by the Ministry of Education of China. The insurance premium for four-week study program students is RMB 160 per person, that for one-semester study program students is RMB 400 CNY per person, and that for students studying more than one year is RMB 800 per person/year.

Appendix 2

Application Documents for International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship

A. For all applicants:

a) A scanned copy of the passport photo page;

b) A scanned copy of score reports of the HSK/HSKK tests (within the two-year validity);

c) A reference letter by the head of the Recommending Institution.

B. For degree scholarship program applicants:

d) A certificate of the highest diploma (or proof of expected graduation) and an official transcript;

e) Applicants of the Scholarship for a Doctor’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education are required to provide two reference letters from professors or associate professors or experts with equivalent professional titles in relevant fields and a 3,000-word personal statement written in Chinese (including knowledge of the intended area of study and research proposal). Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China or proof to the same effect.

f) Applicants of the Scholarship for a Master’s Degree in International Chinese Language Education are required to provide two reference letters from professors or associate professors. Priority will be given to applicants who may provide an employment contract with a teaching institution upon completing their studies in China.

C. In-service Chinese language teachers shall provide proof of employment and a reference letter from the employer.

D. Applicants under 18 shall provide certified documents of designation signed by their entrusted legal guardians in China.

E. Applicants shall provide additional documents as required by the Host Institutions.

Center for Language Education and Cooperation

January 2023

上一条:Application Procedures for 2023 Summer School of Chinese Language Training of International Chinese Language Teachers Scholarship of Dalian University of Technology 下一条:Application Procedures for DUT 2023 Chinese Government Scholarship-Bilateral Program (Type A)




