
I applied to Dalian University of Technology in 2021 and was fortunate to receive a Chinese government scholarship. My major is Economics and Management, which I chose because of the immense benefits it offers for my future, especially when combined with proficiency in Chinese. Upon my arrival, I was quickly immersed in the vibrant life of international students. To improve my Chinese and make my life in China easier, I took Chinese courses provided by the university. These classes greatly helped me in daily interactions and academic settings. Eager to engage with the local culture, I joined multiple clubs and participated in social activities, where I made Chinese friends. Writing my master's dissertation was a significant challenge, but my Chinese mentors were there to guide me every step of the way. They explained the fundamentals, introduced me to the Chinese university research system, and helped me improve my work. Beyond academics, I found friends with whom I explored Dalian, creating cherished memories together. The friendly and helpful environment at the university has made my experience truly special. All these positive experiences have inspired me to continue my studies here. I have decided to pursue a PhD under the guidance of the same supervisor, confident that this is the right path for my academic and personal growth.
--ELINA ZHOLDOSHBAEVA,管理科学与工程专业2024级博士研究生,来自吉尔吉斯斯坦

I completed my 3-year master's degree at Dalian University of Technology and am now continuing my studies here as a PhD student. Before coming here, I thought it would be difficult to adapt to a different culture and language, and to be honest, I was scared. However, I must say that China is a comfortable country, and it is full of kind and tolerant people, so much so that I have decided to stay here for four more years. Our DUT is one of the top universities in China, especially for my department, which is a quite advanced and highly recognized. The international student office, Chinese supervisors, and lab colleagues are all very kind. I have friends from all over the world here. I would like to express my endless thanks to the entire SIE family, to China, and to all my Chinese acquaintances for allowing me to live this beautiful life I have created 13,000 kilometers away from home, and for having a significant place in my career. I have gained many unforgettable experiences here, and I am excited to add more to them!
--ELIF NAZ CERAV,化学工程与技术专业2024级博士研究生,来自土耳其

--KENJE FAN,工商管理专业2024级本科生,来自菲律宾

--ANDY FREDERICK ORIVAL,计算机科学与技术专业2024级本科生,来自海地

--SUCHAWADEE DUANGPAKDEE,汉语言专业2024级本科生,来自泰国

When I were applying for my Master degree in the field of Mechanics. I searched a lot and never find such a university like Dalian University of Technology. China also has some prestigious universities but Dalian University of Technology (DUT) is one of the best university in China. Furthermore, as you know that China emerged second global economic power and launched myriad projects like Belt Road initiative (BRI) is an flagship project for the region as well as for China. In addition to this, China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is a part of BRI. Which will be proven is a game changer for the region. As part from it, I am really impressed by the way that Chinese people have proved themselves to be dedicated to their work and with true efforts that they set China as a successful example for other developing countries. Furthermore, the fastest growing economy, technological advancement and the global ranking education institutes of China with high reputation make a great aspiration to me for the better carrier perspectives. So that, I decided to pursue my studies here under the guidance of the same supervisor. In nutshell, I recommended Dalian University of Technology for the international students particularly for their future.
--MUHAMMAD BILAL,力学专业2024级硕士研究生,来自巴基斯坦

小的时候,到处看到中文文字,我就想读它,也想能说中文。 2018年,我在喀布尔大学孔子学院第一次开始学习汉语。我在那里学习了四年。培训过程中,除了汉语课外,我还了解了中国的历史和文化。我写了一篇《阿中文化关系》和《中国在阿富汗教育中的作用》的文章,都发表在当地比较知名的刊物上。 通过一系列的研究,我在《中阿文化关系中》写到,伟大的丝绸之路促进了两个地区之间的贸易和文化交流。这导致了中国和阿富汗之间艺术风格、文化思想的共享。因此毕业后,我想来到中国真正的了解这个国家的历史和文化,学习汉语并在学业上有所进步,现在我已经实现了,我在大连理工大学学习汉语。我很高兴来到这个美丽的城市,结识了很多中国人和来自不同国家的朋友。我想在完成汉语课程后继续在这所大学学习。
--MOHAMMAD FAYAZ PAINDA,2024年秋季学期汉语进修生,来自阿富汗

And here I am on the rise, pointing to the horizon, And here is, at the end of this little morning, a glimmer of hope that animates me and marks the hope of a dream that I nurtured by choosing this beautiful country. There is nothing comparable to where I come from, and I am amazed by these great people's harmonious development model and humanism. Far from all I had imagined, this country and the host University (Dalian University of Technology) are more than a concept of innovation. It is a true technical revolution and a philosophical inspiration linking scientific development and technological achievements.It is paramount to emphasize the high sense of consideration and warm welcome. Local community support guarantees the dynamism of the Chinese nation’s social development. It is a starting point for me to reinvent the dynamics of cooperation between this nation and my country and between our research structures, which must be inspired by this more innovative model offered by DUT. Even the language is no longer a barrier with the multicultural brewing on campus. The fluidity of the exchanges with directors and mutual assistance make the living environment more friendly and attractive.
Today, my presence on the DUT campus has helped me gain a different understanding of the academic world, which has led me to work more cooperatively to develop a partnership in applied research--a national economic and social partnership with long-term objectives through developing trade and cooperation between China and Africa.
Thus, the fluidity of circulation between the two continents and direct exchanges between researchers could be improved.
--ABDOUL AZIZ SANOGO,机械工程专业2024级博士研究生,来自马里

--ANASTASIIA PERESHIVKINA,国际中文教育专业2024级硕士研究生,来自俄罗斯

--YOHEI SUGANUMA,机械设计制造及其自动化专业2024级本科生,来自日本

--MSTSISLAU KULAHIN,工商管理专业2024级硕士研究生,来自白俄罗斯