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The Second Cultural Salon of Cangjie Station for Chinese and Foreign Students are Successfully Held

November 21, 2023  Click:[]

In order to promote cultural exchanges and civilization mutual understanding between Chinese and international students on campus with the continuous construction of a cultural project named “Study abroad at Dalian University of Technology”, on November 15th, the second cultural salon of Cangjie Stationfor Chinese and Foreign students was held at the No.2 Building of Boliu. This activity attracted Chinese and international students from different colleges and countries. Five International students respectively come from Pakistan, Canada, Mauritania, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, two Chinese students majoring in international Chinese education and three Chinese students from the School of Foreign Languages participated in this salon. This activity invited Teacher Xing Weijia as the instructor as well.

The theme for this activity is designed as “Festival Culture” to create a platform for Chinese and foreign students sharing their national festival culture, showing each other the characteristics of their own country, and exchanging the excellent culture of each country. In the course of this activity, all participants gradually processed through following three aspects: self-introduction, festival sharing and free discussion above historical origin, custom and food. In this activity, all Chinese and foreign students truly enjoy the pleasure of cultural exchange within a strong international cultural atmosphere, which effectively promote the collision of ideas, enhance the tolerance and understanding of different  cultures, and deepen the friendship between Chinese and foreign students.

Up to the present, the series activity of “Cangjie Station” Culture Salon has been successfully held for two times. This activity gives the opportunity to deepened intuitive experience of Chinese culture for International students with stimulating their enthusiasm for learning Chinese culture. On the other hand, the activity also takes the responsibility to broaden international horizons for Chinese students and to improve their cross-cultural communication skills. In the future, our college will continuously promote the series activities of “Cangjie Station” to attract more international students and Chinese students from various colleges within our university. Through this activity, our school are make our best striving for creating International humanistic atmosphere and increasing the connotation of cultural project construction of "study abroad engineering" by making the innovation of activities continuously and building the platform for cross-cultural communication actively.

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